endurance training

Image of Bicycle Sprocket and Chain

Efficient Cycling Technique

There is now a plethora of information available on efficient running and swimming. Techniques such as POSE and Total Immersion have garnered such a reputation that it is eventually starting to filter down into the mainstream, and people are beginning to realise that there is more to improving performance than just “trying harder” or “pushing […]

Efficient Cycling Technique Read More »

Terri filming existing running form from the side

Efficient Running Seminar with Teri from Pure Running hosted by Primal Fitness

Yesterday I went along to a running seminar conducted by Teri Knight from Pure-Running hosted by Primal Fitness in Manchester. Unfortunately I was not able to participate myself as planned, due to still having the cast on my leg thanks to my broken foot! Despite this, it was still a great experience to be able

Efficient Running Seminar with Teri from Pure Running hosted by Primal Fitness Read More »

Hill Fit by Chris Highcock

Recommended Reading – HillFit by Chris Highcock of Conditioning Research Blog

We’re going to take a quick break from the scheduled programming to bring you news of a great new ebook from @ChrisHighcock of Conditioning Research Blog fame. If you’re not familiar with Chris’s blog, go over and subscribe now. I’ve been following his posts for a few years now, and he never misses a beat.

Recommended Reading – HillFit by Chris Highcock of Conditioning Research Blog Read More »

Caution: Slippery When Wet – Thanks to Dave @USwim!

Image: Juan Gnecco / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Part of being Primal is being ready for anything. I’ve always prided myself on being up for doing anything and going anywhere – Whether it’s climbing a mountain, trekking through jungle, adventure racing, playing a sport or simply helping a friend shifting furniture or dig the garden. In reality though,

Caution: Slippery When Wet – Thanks to Dave @USwim! Read More »

Primal Fitness 2.0 – Part IV: Would you do anything for another HIIT?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been getting the thumbs up from the chaps in white coats a lot recently, with numerous studies hailing it as the most effective and efficient form of exercise1. According to the scientists, HIIT sounds like the perfect solution for time short, busy individuals – Just a few minutes per

Primal Fitness 2.0 – Part IV: Would you do anything for another HIIT? Read More »

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