Is the obesity epidemic a mystery? Part 2
So in Part 1, I looked at the claim by Slim Mold Time Mold that…
Is the obesity epidemic a mystery? Part 1
While browsing the always excellent and highly recommended Marginal Revolution blog, I came across an…
Entrepreneur? You might be infected by a parasite!
Are individuals infected with toxoplasmosis parasite more likely to become entrepreneurs? Did you know that…
Dieting, Meditation and Unicorns
According to science: Diets don’t work.There is no solid evidence that meditation has any tangible…
Interview on the Fitter Healthier Dad Podcast
A few months back I took part in an interview for the Fitter Healthier Dad…
Taking Vitamin D Supplements to Protect Against the Coronavirus Is Like Sleeping in Your Car
Should you be taking Vitamin D supplements in order to protect against the coronavirus? You…
Lockdowns, Longevity, Liberty & Long-Termism
LOCKDOWNS, LONGEVITY, LIBERTY & LONG-TERMISM So the big question of the day is de what…
Simon’s Protein Power Porridge Recipe
Simon’s Protein Power Porridge Recipe I eat my protein power porridge pretty much everyday! I…
Don’t Be A Lobster (In the Gym)
It may come as a surprise, but exercising and sunbathing have a lot in common….
5 Ways You Can Help Combat Global Deforestation: Infographic
5 Steps to Help Reduce Worldwide Deforestation I decided to create an infographic about simple…
Six Pack in Six Weeks?
Can you really get a Six Pack in Six Weeks? Summer is here, and with…
Maybe pain isn’t so strange after all?
On his fantastic website, Paul Ingram has an article “Pain is Weird”. It’s a…
Are you Apocalypse Fit?
This is one of my favourite quotes, and for me, the perfect definition of health…
Thoughts on the EAT-Lancet’s Planetary Health Diet
The past week’s news cycle has been full of coverage of the EAT-Lancet’s new paper:…
A Sceptical Look at Reishi Mushroom Powder
I first heard about Reishi Mushroom powder some time ago via the Tim Ferriss podcast,…
The Problem with Diet Testimonials
We’re going to play a game. It’s called: Match the Testimonial to the Diet! Below…
Science and Decision Making: Limitations and Misconceptions
Despite being the major force responsible for the amazingly long, healthy, comfortable, secure and rich…
Pain is like a Guard Dog
One may well imagine that pain works a bit like a high-tech house alarm system….
Do Not Be Alarmed – Are You Getting Enough?
Are you regularly rudely awakened from a deep and peaceful slumber by the sound of…
Cyclical Cyclical Dieting?
I’ve followed many many diets in my lifetime, with various motivations – to lose fat,…
Between Shame and Acceptance
There has been a lot of talk in the popular press recently of “Fat Shaming”…
Is the Moral Landscape a Wilderness?
Around 12 years ago, I converted from vegetarianism to “ethical omnivorism”. I made this change…
5 More Big Impact Healthy Lifestyle Factors
A high-profile paper published earlier this year identified 5 “healthy lifestyle factors” which can have…
Waste Reduction Waist Reduction
I’ve been attempting to go as close to 100% plastic waste free (and waste free…
Diet Debate: Is it time to rethink safe alcohol limits?
It’s commonly accepted that moderate alcohol consumption is not only innocuous, but potentially beneficial to…
Meditation, is that what you need? Part 2: Midfulness, Contemplation and Philosophy
In part 1 of this series, I looked at the current body of research into…
Meditation, is that what you need? Part 1: What Does the Science Say?
For those of you with limited time/non uber-geeks, here’s the gist of the article: Summary…
How to Outsmart Your Smartphone in 5 Easy Steps
[est_time] estimated total reading time Just about everyone has a smartphone nowadays, they have become,…
GR101: The Whys and Hows of Through-Hiking
“Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the…
Will Cycling to Work Really Cut your Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease by Half?
[est_time] estimated total reading time I am a cyclist. It is by far my preferred…
Diet Debate: #JERF vs The Appeal to Nature Fallacy
[est_time] estimated total reading time Are we being JERFed Around? JERF, for the uninitiated, stands…
Diet Debate: Coffee – Dangerous Addiction, or Beneficial Predilection?
[est_time] estimated total reading time Disclaimer: I love coffee, and am no doubt addicted to…
Does Jazz Music cause Cancer?
[est_time] estimated total reading time Chances are you saw one of the various news reports…
Why I’d Still Skip the Ice Baths, Even if they Worked
[est_time] estimated total reading time So I’ve been meaning to write a post on Ice…
The Pros and Cons of N=1 Self-Experimentation
[est_time] estimated total reading time In a recent exchange in the comments section on a…
Strength and Conditioning for Sports – Separating Fact from Fiction
Previously I’ve talked about how Functional Training is a Myth, that performing multiple sets of…
In it to Win it? The Double Edged Sword of Competition
A central tenet of Live Now Thrive Later is to avoid focusing on extrinsic goals….
Why Training CrossFit is like Learning Latin
When I first came across it, one of the main selling points of CrossFit, was…
A Stretch too Far – Part III – Stretching for Flexibility
In parts I and II, we looked at the utility of static stretching for warm…
A Stretch Too Far – Part II – Stretching to Cool Down
In Part I, we looked at the widely accepted practice of static stretching as a…
A Stretch Too Far – Part I – Should You Stretch to Warm-up?
Put your hand up if you hate stretching? It takes a long time out of…
The debate: Sets, Reps and Training to Failure
It’s “generally accepted gym wisdom” that 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps is what you need…
How I fell in Love with Capoeira
Just over one year ago I decided to try Capoeira. I was initially thinking to…
Genes and Health: Can you change your genetic destiny?
Life just isn’t fair. It’s not unusual to hear of young, healthy, active people that…
Sunscreen Revisited – Should You Act on New Evidence?
Back in 2011, I wrote a post on sunscreen, questioning the rational behind it’s use….
Sustainable Home Brewing
Any long time followers of this bog will know that: I love fermenting things in…
Diet Debate: GMO Foods, Food Security and Scientific Progress
It’s been on my list to write a post on genetically Modified Foods for quite…
Cutting through the B.S. on I.B.S
I used to suffer from terrible “I.B.S or Irritable Bowel Syndrome”. I went to the…
Barefoot Running Away from the Truth?
I was an early adopter of the “barefoot shoe” – At the time I was…
What is Food? 21Convention Nutrition Talk Video Released
In 2012, I was very pleased to be invited to speak at the inaugural UK…
Diet Debate: Raw Milk Revisited – Risk v Reward: Why Drinking Raw Milk is Like Riding A Bicycle!
I’ve been meaning to write an update to my original post on dairy, raw or…
Diet Debate: Supplements II – Double Blinded by Science?
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post on Nutritional Supplements, and why I…
Diet Debate: Nutritional Supplements – Why I won’t be Plugging
Too S.M.A.R.T for your own good?
Maybe your S.M.A.R.T Goals aren’t so Smart? [caption id="attachment_4484" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Image courtesy of Renjith…
Why Eat Grass Fed Beef?
I’ve written before about the nutritional benefits of grass fed beef – In short, it’s…
Diet Debate: Not So Fast? Intermittent Fasting Update
It has been three years since I wrote my last post on Intermittent Fasting, so…
Health, Fitness, and the Art of Car Maintenance
[caption id="attachment_2509" align="alignright" width="300"] Hat tip to the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle…
Diet Debate: Are Porridge Oats Healthy?
But what about porridge? This is a question that I get asked all the time,…
Are Slim People Ever Lucky?
[caption id="attachment_2441" align="alignright" width="300"] Some People Get All the Luck! I overheard someone talking about…
Diet Debate: Wheat, Gluten and Health
Is Wheat Murder? Is Gluten-Free a Fad? An article published last…
Efficient Cycling Technique
Why Your Back Hurts and How to Fix it: Reloaded
Understanding Back Pain and other Chronic Pain Syndromes My series of posts on chronic back…
My Definition – Exercise, Training and Activity
What’s in a name?
After some deliberation, I have decided to change the name of this blog. The new…
What is Food? Part VI: Making Decisions
In the first instalment of this series, I argued that there is no such thing…
What is Food? Part V: A Potential Source of Pleasure
I love food. I love talking about food, I love cooking and preparing food, but…
What is Food? Part IV: A Potential Source of Toxins
Image: In the previous posts we established that human beings survive by consuming other…
What is Food? Part III: Too Much of a Good Thing?
What are you made of? It’s not an abstract question. I want you to think…
What is Food? Part II: A Source of Energy
In the previous post I asked the question, “What is Food?” In short, the conclusion…
What is Food? Part I: There is no such thing as food
The past couple of posts have been looking at the problems with nutritional science in…
Diet Debate: The Problems with Paleo Science, and Why it Matters…
The previous post was concerned with the problems with nutritional science in general. In this…
Diet Debate: The Problems with Nutritional Science
In the previous post, I looked at how a lot of the common arguments used…
Diet Debate: Is Paleo the New Vegetarianism? Did We Learn Anything?
WARNING: This post contains little science, but lots of speculation and sarcasm. If you are…
Is attitude equally as important as activity?
I spotted this study on Chris Highcock’s (author of Hillfit) conditioning research blog the other…
Efficient Running Seminar with Teri from Pure Running hosted by Primal Fitness
Yesterday I went along to a running seminar conducted by Teri Knight from Pure-Running hosted…
Why you should be Pro-Biotic: Part VI – You are what eats what you eat…Or someone else’s poo?
Over the last five posts, we’ve covered the importance of the microbiome to health through…
Why you should be Pro-Biotic: Part V – Beware Friendly Fire – The Truth about Infectious Disease and Antibiotics
Germs are everywhere – On your kitchen surfaces, your computer keyboard, even your children’s toys!…
Why you should be Pro-Biotic: Part IV – Dysbiosis, Inflammation and Chronic Disease
The term dysbiosis refers to an imbalance between the levels of “good” bacteria and “bad”…
Why you should be Pro-Biotic: Part III – Meet the Troops
In last week’s instalment of this series of articles on the gut flora mircobiome and…
Recommended Reading – HillFit by Chris Highcock of Conditioning Research Blog
We’re going to take a quick break from the scheduled programming to bring you news…
Why you should be Pro-Biotic: Part II – A Question of Digestion
It is generally well known that the reason ruminants are able to digest grass, while…
Why you should be Pro-Biotic: Part 1 – We Are Not Alone
It has been a couple of years since I last wrote about gut flora, and…
Primal Kitchen Basics – Making Live Sauerkraut
Primal Fitness 2.0 – Part IV: Would you do anything for another HIIT?
There’s more to life than fitness…
Welcome to the new home of my Primal blog. I have decided to make the…
Primal Fitness 2.0 Part III – To Bench or Not to Bench: The Benefits of Un-Functional Training?
Image: Idea go / Part I of this series examined the efficacy of “functional…
Primal Fitness 2.0 Part II – From Functional to Practical: Free weights still rock!
Primal Fitness 2.0 – Part I: Is Functional Training a Myth?
Know Your Enemy – Selfish Genes: Is your DNA out to get you?
You are what you eat eats…
Hormesis. What can tanning teach us about training?
The Debate: Sunscreen, good or bad?
Conventional Wisdom has us in fear of the Sun. For thousands of years, the Sun…