What is Food? 21Convention Nutrition Talk Video Released

In 2012, I was very pleased to be invited to speak at the inaugural UK edition of the 21Convention.

Previous speakers have included the likes of Doug McGuff, Drew Bay and Mark Sisson, so I certainly felt in esteemed company!

In retrospect, I think I tried to fit too much content into the allocated 45 minute slot – it would have been better to spend more of the time on the basic “What is food?/There’s no such thing as food” premise, rather than rushing through to try and get in the info on fasting and gut flora too, but we live and learn.

Anyway, here’s the talk, so you can let me know what you think. I’ve also included links below to my articles on the blog which cover the topics of the talk in more detail for those of you who want to explore any of the topics more deeply.

Please note, the links below take you to the articles in reverse order, just to be confusing!

What is Food Series

Gut Flora Series

Intermittent Fasting

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