Primal Wisdom, on the BBC

I watched the first episode of Bruce Parry’s new series, Arctic, the other day.

Although you could lay many criticisms at the door of Parry’s documentaries, I still feel they are a lot better than most, and strongly recommend checking out his Tribe dvd box sets – This will give you a better idea of what an authentic paleo diet would really be like (less grass fed beef, more rat and insect!).

Anyway, the reason for this post is to quote a fantastic speech from a spiritual leader from the Sakha tribe in Siberia:

“Try to think less and feel more, try to ignore the endless barrage of information, try and experience the here and now… Just as you and I are sitting here together.  We can feel the wind, we feel alive.  We can feel our heartbeat.  Nature is all around us and it is summer.”

Being Primal isn’t all about jumping higher, running faster or lifting more.

You can still check out the episode on the iplayer, definitely worth a watch:

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